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Subject Lead = Mrs Anderson


What Physical Education looks like at Saint Augustine's

Curriculum (Intent)

We aim to ensure all pupils leaving our school will be physically literate and have the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle. These skills, combined with a positive attitude towards PE and sport encourages lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Pedagogy (Implementation)

Children have one skills-based and one competition-based lesson per week. The skills-based curriculum is provided through the REAL PE scheme which focuses on the ABC’s (agility, balance, and coordination). The scheme sets out a progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary which gradually builds throughout their time in school.

While the REAL PE scheme does include elements of competition, we employ a team of coaching staff to deliver competition-based lessons as part of the curriculum. The children can put their skills (learnt from the REAL PE scheme) into practice through a range of sporting opportunities. Children compete in inter-house competitions within school but also have many organised opportunities to compete against other schools both locally and nationally.

Culture (Impact)

At St Augustine’s we strive to ensure pupils are motivated and engaged in PE and extra-curricular activities. These opportunities help to increase self-esteem, build friendships, and improve interactions between peers and teachers. Healthy competition also allows for integration of our Catholic Values and British Values through qualities such as fairness, mutual respect and compassion.

School Sport Premium

To support our aims, curriculum and overall development of physical education St Augustine’s (and all other primary schools in England) is in receipt of the School Sport Premium. The school receives 2 payments from the government throughout the academic year to spend on developing 5 key indicators:

  • Increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport.
  • Increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport.
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement.
  • Offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils.
  • Increase participation in competitive sport.

The school receives £16,000 + £10 per child from Year 1 to Year 6. This money can only be used in line with the key indicators and should be focused on all children taking part in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous each day.

The school PE lead is responsible for allocating the funding to areas of the school and reporting on how the premium is spent at the end of each academic year. You can find the current years spending document and the document from the previous year listed above.

More information about the School Sport Premium can be found here 



Did you know we are a School Games Gold award winning school?

We have held the Gold award for the last 4 years and are now eligible for the Platinum award, which we will be working hard to apply for in summer 2026. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

To achieve a Gold award, we need to show evidence of:

  • Delivery and tracking of 30 active minutes per day for at least 50% of our school population.
  • Identification of our least active children and planned provision to increase their active minutes.
  • Equal opportunities for young people regardless of gender
  • CPD opportunities offered for staff
  • Opportunities for physical literacy and positive experiences
  • Sharing our competition intent with parents and external providers
  • Formal opportunities and structures for pupil leadership opportunities
  • Inter-school competitions
  • Equal access and opportunities through the curriculum
  • Transition support/Physical education interventions

We are very proud to be a Gold award winning school and would like to thank all the children and staff for their hard work and dedication.